Can I get a demonstration of CPExpert analysis using data from our site?
Yes. CPExpert offers a free, no-obligation performance analysis of your organization's IBM z/OS performance. This free analysis is to acquaint you with CPExpert's features and allow you to examine the benefits.
Is there a trial period?
Yes. Upon delivery of CPExpert software, the customer has a 45-day, no-obligation trial period to evaluate the product. If the customer is not satisfied, the customer will remove CPExpert software and communicate to Computer Management Sciences that CPExpert software has been removed. Having met these requirements, the customer would have no further obligation and would owe nothing to Computer Management Sciences. If the customer does not certify that the software has been removed during this 45-day trial period, the customer will be obliged to pay the invoice from Computer Management Sciences.
If I upgrade my processor, must I pay additional CPExpert license fees?
No. Licenses for CPExpert are issued per physical installation, for data created at the installation. CPExpert is licensed without regard to the number of processors installed, the processor size, or capacity group.
Are the license fees negotiable?
No. This question is asked occasionally by contracting officers who have had past experience with negotiating a license fee. The CPExpert Standard License Fee Schedule is openly provided on this website and other sources. The fees are not adjusted for any organization.
We have our own license agreement that we require software vendors to sign. Will Computer Management Sciences sign our license agreement?
No. CPExpert is a commercial product, providing features as described on this website. The product is offered under the terms and conditions described in the CPExpert Master License Agreement, and the License fees for CPExpert are also shown on this website. We will consider modest changes to the terms and conditions if your legal staff feels that such changes are appropriate, but the CPExpert Master License Agreement must be executed to license CPExpert.
Are there CPExpert distributors outside the United States?
No. CPExpert is marketed, distributed, and supported from the United States. Sites in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, Germany, Netherlands, Scotland, and Turkey have used CPExpert to improve performance of their z/OS systems.